TRSS Staff

We are a small group of ambassadors with a commitment to saving teen lives.

Program Chair Bruce Smith works with advisors, trustees, and sponsors to help shape the mission and grow Street Survival. As a member of the BMW Car Club of America Foundation board of trustees, Bruce works alongside National Program Director Bill Wade to lead Tire Rack Street Surival.

Bill’s staff handle day-to-day program operations. Program Manager Tim Beechuk works closely with instructors, local registrars, volunteers, parents, and students to ensure everyone and everything are safely where they need to be.

“Tire Rack Street Survival was fun. I didn’t want to come at first. I thought we’d have to sit in a classroom the whole time. I liked the hands-on experience. This is a lot more hands-on than drivers ed. We had a lot of time to do that on the track. Now I know not to be shocked when an emergency situation happens. I know what to do.”

Malia G., Brooklyn Park, MN